Course Notes
2nd Sem. 2015/2016 | Master2 | Homotopie stable | Homotopy of spheres, spectra, orientation theory, chromatic phenomena |
2nd Sem. 2012/2013 | Master2 | Schémas abéliens | Elliptic curves, coherent cohomology, abelian schemes. |
1st Sem. 2009/2010 | Master2 | Complexes motiviques (following and after Voevodsky) | Intersection theory, Serre multiplicities. Motivic complexes, functorialities, and elementary properties (regular base). |
Period | Level | Title | Description |
Outreach presentations
21/03/2014 | ECT Preparatory Classes | Vérité mathématique | This presentation describes the nature of mathematical truth through its origins and some famous questions in history, such as the quadrature of the circle and Fermat's "theorem". These examples illustrate the tensions that have animated people around the pursuit of mathematical truth and its irresistible emergence. | |
10/03/2015 | Terminale S, Preparatory Classes | Conquête de l'espace mathématique | This presentation describes how the notion of space in mathematics emerged, or rather evolved over the centuries, from Euclid's *Elements*, through Cartesian geometry, leading to non-Euclidean geometries (hyperbolic and spherical). | |
Date | Level | Title | Description |